How to vote in the 2020 election

Voting’s important. Here’s how you can participate in our democracy


Illustration by Mitchell Sheehan

Haiden Fox

This year’s presidential election may bring waves of new voters, which could drastically alter the election results. In order for new voters to vote in the upcoming election, they must be 18 years or older on the day of the election (November 3, 2020). They must also be a citizen of Pennsylvania for at least 30 days before the election (October 4, 2020). 

 The last day to register for voting is October 19.  Check here to see your current voter registration status here

Do you need to register? If you do, click here

The option to vote in person is still available.  To find your polling, place click here.

You can also request a mail-in ballot by October 27. TO request a mail-in ballot, click here

Return your completed mail-in ballot in two ways: by mail through the post office or mailbox. Ensure you have enough time to send in your completed ballot. Completed mail-in ballot must be at the election office by November 6 at 5 pm. If it is postmarked for November 3 there is still a chance for the vote to be counted. However, no votes after November 6th will be counted even if postmarked from election day. 

If you are concerned about the time restraints of the post office you can always deliver your completed mail-in ballot directly to the election office at 150 N. Queen St. Suite 117 Lancaster, PA. Many leaders have urged new and old voters to request a mail-in ballot and drop it off to your election office to ensure that you can vote and are able to avoid mass exposure to COVID-19. Stay safe and politically active!