February. The current month is not just one of the hardest to spell, but it’s also one of the worst months of the year. As a continuation of the already miserable January, February only really has Valentine’s Day going for it. While the holiday of love isn’t bad, it doesn’t do much to distract from the overall somber mood that comes with these cold, dreary days.
But how do the other months stack up? Here are the 12 months of the year, ranked.

- January
The year starts off poorly with the worse version of February. The bitter cold and occasional icy precipitation makes me prefer to stay inside for 31 days straight. To make matters even worse, the added stress of midterm exams and the end of the semester make this month miserable. The only major holiday in January, New Year’s Day, starts the month, meaning it contributes almost nothing to the dreary mood.
The first month of the year only has one thing going for it: when half-melted ice falls from the sky and makes the roads temporarily unsafe, school moves online for a Flexible Instructional Day. Unfortunately, school at home is still school, and still somewhat stressful. What a terrible way to start off the year.

- August
I know, an interesting choice. Shouldn’t a summer month be ranked higher than second-to-last? Unfortunately, being in a popular season does not mean August is a good month. The start of school at the end of August looms over the entire month, filling hearts with dread as the month flies by. What’s more, August’s temperatures are some of the highest in the entire year, making it incredibly unpleasant to go outside. With no major holidays, the eighth month of the year sits at second to last. At least it’s better than January.
- February
February is a terrible month. With the weather of January minus a bit of stress and plus a Troubadour-worthy holiday, the second month ends up at 10th place. It’s a good thing that it’s so short.

- May
The fifth month is by far the busiest one of them all. Between the end of the school year, final exams, and the height of spring extracurriculars, May is unreasonably busy. Pair that with the temperature shock of over 70 degree weather after two months in the 50s and 60s, and May will feel like one of the hottest months of the year.

- July
July is August without the dread of the new school year. Hot temperatures, busy schedules, and summer vacations define the seventh month. As an added bonus, you can start these 31 days off with less sleep than usual as your neighbors set off fireworks late at night for Independence Day. Not a terrible month, but by no means a good one.

- March
The third month of the year is known for two things: Saint Patrick’s Day and failing to be spring. If it wasn’t for the holiday of the Irish, this month would probably have found itself back with February and August. But I’m feeling nice. It’s ok that you’re not quite spring, March. At least you tried. Here’s your participation award. Have a nice day.
- November
Sitting in the middle of the ranking, November is a mediocre month because it has both good and bad characteristics. The second to last month of the year has the major holiday of Thanksgiving that gets us a week off of school, but there is a flip

side. Thanksgiving feasts often include some lackluster foods.
The typical November weather isn’t bad, but it’s not very good either. November nicely wraps up the fall season, but it ushers in winter, so it isn’t exactly a popular season change. Overall, the pros and cons to the 11th month cancel each other out and leave November comfortably in the middle.
- April
April is what March aspires to be. Spring springs up from behind winter’s shadow, bringing lovely temperatures and beautiful views. However, with AP, IB tests and finals, the fourth marking period can be stressful for many students. Even Easter is mediocre at best, bringing only a long weekend, a bit of candy, and church sermons that I always find boring. It’s not a bad month, but not an exceptional one either.

- October
Everything that April does, October does it slightly better. Weather? The 10th month has perfected the gradual shift from warm to cool. Scenery? The oranges and yellows as leaves change colors are beautiful. Holidays? While many high schoolers have now outgrown it, Halloween is a fan favorite that keeps candy stashes full for months to come. October is great, but it’s not amazing. Halloween doesn’t get any time off school, and the weather could still be better. It’s a good month, but not quite at the level of the top three.

- December
I know, I know, I disliked January for being cold only to put a very cold month at third place. However, there is one major thing that sets these two months apart and propels December so high up: winter break. With something to look forward to, the dreary weather actually isn’t that bad. The entire 12th month is filled with anticipation for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the New Year and more. What’s more, this month ends with a week off school. These festivities earn December the ranking of third place.

2. September

As green morphs to orange and summer blends into fall, September reveals itself as the second-best month of the year. Along with surprisingly lovely weather and beautiful colors, September includes the beginning of the school year, so that school isn’t too stressful but still keeps you busy. With Labor Day to grant everyone a day off work, September would be number one if it had one thing: freedom.
- June
The sixth month of the year is one of the only ones with any actual freedom. School wraps up, but summer activities haven’t quite started, leaving empty days of relaxation right after final exams. This sharp contrast in stress levels makes June an even more calming month. It’s warm outside, but not insufferable, so people can spend their newfound time outside and watch spring morph into summer.

June is the month of space, the month of calm, and the month of nature. It has a few minor holidays, notably Junteenth, but it doesn’t need any to be a great month. The best 30 days of the year come after school, before summer, and during beautiful weather.