Twinkle Khanna


Maddie Balestier

“Me and ice skating kind of had a rough start. I originally started when I was in first grade, so I was six, and I went all the way to fourth grade. But then I had to quit because I moved. I didn’t really get to skate much, and it kind of took a toll on my mental health. I didn’t realize how much those four years had already impacted me and how much I wanted to learn more about it and do better. I didn’t get very far in my skills either—I just liked being there. At the rink, there’s a whole different vibe, and it’s really positive—it makes you want to do stuff. So then when I moved back here in 7th grade, I got back to the rink, and I was a lot more confident in myself because that’s kind of what happens when you play a sport. And ever since then I’ve been going every day.”