Mini-THON will host its main event this month on Friday, Feb. 28 from 6p.m.-6a.m. Mini-THON has raised $60,000 so far this year and plans to raise $90,000 by the end of the main event.
Mini-THON had already many successful fundraisers this year, including a car wash, Trunk or Treat, No Shave November, the Snowball dance and the Showcase. According to the Mini-THON Instagram page, the Showcase raised the most money this year. It broke the record in school history for the most money raised, totaling more than $34,000. This April, the powderpuff event is expected to raise a large amount of money as well.
To attend, you must raise a minimum of $60 on Donor Drive or a cash or check can be handed in to an overall or adviser. If you raise $300 or more, you gain access to VIP, which includes a puppy room, special treats and food. This year the event will be overnight, allowing many more activities to take place.
“We have a lot of our normal activities happening, but many more because we will have more time to do them overnight. The usuals like inflatables, techno power hour, Zumba and class games will be there. Some new things were having a puppy/dog room, haircuts, pickleball, lip sync battles and more,” said overall head Caroline Zimmerman.
This year’s overall heads include Kat Boomsma, Jocelyn Parise, Zimmerman, Mya Ziegler and Eyad Gomaa. Mini-THON takes lots of time, consideration and planning.
“We started planning for the 2025 main event as soon as the previous event ended. We began last year when we were chosen as the overalls. It’s a gradual process as we figure out what we want to do and start trying to make it happen,” said Zimmerman.
To sign up for this year’s Mini-THON, you can find more information at @mthsminithon on Instagram.