Forgetful in Nature
The girl’s eyes drifted across the waves
as she searched for a fish.
She glanced past her reflection,
and continued her pursuit.
The air was peaceful and clean, fresh,
so far away from the dirty civilization
of the modern world.
The girl shivered as a small gust of wind passed by.
It made her messy and matted hair shake.
It lured the water and the trees into a dance,
like a waltz: slow and soft.
The clouds looked like rain,
but the sun’s rays still slipped through their cracks.
She kissed the girl’s rosy cheeks,
and gave her back a soft embrace.
The girl’s breath floated in and out of her, slowly,
as if it were a slow beat-
intertwined with the soft melodies of the world around her.
She became lost in this world.
She forgot about the fish.
She forgot about her friends back home, her responsibilities.
Time simply stopped for her in places like this.
The girl let herself become lost in her thoughts.
They traveled far past any boundaries.
They traveled fast and in loops
and never ever stopped.
She became lost in her thoughts and lost in this world,
and she wished she could stay lost.
Sophomore Ainsley Bounds is a Staff Writer for The Township Times.
Molly • Jan 28, 2025 at 8:33 pm
This is such a good poem. Nice work! very descriptive