Students of Manheim Township are taking midterms the week of Jan. 13.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, English and science midterms will be taken throughout the school day. On Thursday and Friday of that week, History and math midterms will be assessed. During that week, the only exams students will have is the midterms. No other classes can give any tests that week.
The school schedule will be normal. Midterm testing will occur during regularly scheduled classes.
Not all classes will be giving midterms. History, English, math and science classes will have the option to assign this test to students. Teachers have the choice to assign them for their class. If all the teachers for a specific subject agree on giving midterms, all students will be taking the same test if they have that class. This year, midterms are a test that will be put into the summative category of the grade book in marking period two.
“I’m a little nervous since I haven’t taken them since Algebra 1 in seventh grade,” said freshman Kara Engroff.
For some students, this is their first time taking the midterms since they didn’t take them in middle school. Those who did have a little bit of experience with taking them know what to expect a little.
“I think after studying I’ll be more confident,” said freshman Natalie Messina.
Students believe this is a busy time of the year and stress is increased a bit with midterms and other tests taking place. Students have shown that it is important to focus at the end of this year and start preparing for the midterms that will be in the middle of January.
“I will start studying in the middle of break towards the end, sometime in the beginning of January,” said Engroff.
Students believe that winter break is a time where many lose focus on their classes but they believe it is important for them to study over the break so they don’t forget everything for their midterms once they return back to school. Many students have stated that they will begin studying for their midterms over the winter break.
“For math, I know my teacher provided study resources and practices on Schoology,” said Messina. “There are also book pages that we can review.”
Teachers have started discussing with their classes what midterms will be looking like for their class specifically. If you have any questions, teachers will be willing to answer.