On Dec. 20, Manheim Township High School held an informational pep rally advertising the upcoming events of the annual Mini-THON fundraiser for children suffering with childhood cancer. The event is held in more than 200 schools across the US. MTHS began to host its own Mini-THON event because of inspiration from Penn State’s event. For the first time since 2019 Manheim Township announced an overnight Mini-THON event for this year.
The Four Diamonds was an idea created by Christopher Millard, a teenager who was battling cancer in the early 1970s. He came up with four qualities he considered crucial in his journey of defeating the fatal disease. The Four Diamonds represent courage, wisdom, honesty and strength.
The assembly kicked off with a performance from the MT dance team. Next the teacher’s dodgeball event occurred. The two teams consisted of the 13 seniors running for Mr. Mini-THON and the teachers the seniors chose to be competing against them. Despite the best efforts of the staff, the seniors came out on top and claimed the victory. The next activity held at the rally was a pie eating contest. The rules of the game were that both hands had to be behind your back and only you could only eat with your mouth. The constants had 3 minutes to finish as much pie as possible. At first the winner seemed to be Thomas Capizzi, but after closer inspection, it was announced that the winners were tied between Charlie Hill and Leighton Underwood.
The assembly concluded with teachers getting pied in the face with whipped cream by the student committee. The teachers who participated include, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Boring, Mrs. Clawson, Mr. Rutledge, Mr. Kranch, Mr. Zeigler, Mr. Aiello and Mr. Robbins, who was pied twice by Mrs. Boal and Mrs. Vallem. Finally, the assembly concluded with a reminder that the showcase held for Mini-THON is held on Jan. 19 and the main overnight event is occurring on Feb. 28.