The internet offers many great outlets of entertainment for its users. News, opinions, arguments, and especially memes—the unifier of most social media. But with the decreasing attention spans of today’s generations, it’s easy to laugh and then scroll; you’ll never even think of that post again. So, I decided to do the due diligence for you. Memes, where are they now?
Chug Jug With You
The lovable parody of American Boy took the internet by storm on December 18th, 2018. At the time, Fortnite was the hottest game on the market, which is why when LeviathanJPTV dropped this epic beat, it blew up. Like his song, his channel also grew rapidly, despite only having a few videos. He quickly produced a few more songs: Walls Dynamo on March 28th, 2019, and Fortnite Is Trash on August 27th, 2020, though none seemed to take off like before. His last video ever posted was a Rok Nardin remix of his original song, which was posted two years ago. Since then he’s seemed to have veered away from Fortnite and moved onto a quiet life, his Instagram being the only social media he’s active on. Luckily, you can still listen to his music on Spotify.
Road Work Ahead? Uh Yeah, I Sure Hope It Does
Vine, everyone’s favorite social media platform. Luckily, nothing ever bad happened to it, right? Either way, Drew Gooden was a fan favorite of the time. Especially the infamous road work sign Vine. He began making these six second comedy shorts in 2013 and swiftly built a good following. Though it wouldn’t last long seeing as Vine shut down in January of 2017. Gooden was smart though and also began making YouTube videos that same year which also seemed to do quite well. Today, he releases a video about once a month and currently sits at 4.09 million subscribers.
Yodeling Walmart Kid
Also known as Mason Ramsey, the internet fell in love with his yodeling charm. So much so that Ramsey has continued his singing career and is very well known for his hit single “Famous.” He can also be seen in “The Angry Birds Movie 2” where he plays Oliver. Outside of the spotlight, Ramsey enjoys playing basketball and working at Subway.
DJ Khaled
As an incredibly famous rapper, producer, and even DJ, DJ Khaled should be known for his crowning achievements in the music industry. He is not; rather he is known for his quotes which fans follow by heart. “Life is Roblox” and “Bring out the whole ocean” are favorites of the masses, though I doubt Khaled often finds himself on Roblox. He still makes many of these Tik Toks though, always coming up with new quotes to add to the books. Outside of social media, he just announced that he will soon be releasing an album titled “Till Next Time” which features Lil Baby, Future and Lil Uzi Vert.
Annoying Orange
Created in 2012, with a 1.9/10 on IMDb, Annoying Orange lived up to its name. It was incredibly annoying. The infamous orange was voiced by none other than the creator himself, Dane Boedigheimer. Sadly, the show did not make it far, for it was canceled after only one season after the digital studio that produced it closed their film and television division. Though, it can be debated that it also ended because of how unbearable it was to watch. For the insane people who actually enjoy it, you can still watch Annoying Orange on Prime Video. And, they also still release videos on YouTube about every week.
Outside Annoying Orange, Boedigheimer can also be seen in one other non- orange related show: “The Misfortune of Being Ned.” This show has the same feel as Annoying Orange, but it follows a human named Ned who finds himself in comically terrible situations that often leave him dead. Unlike Boedigheimer’s other work, “The Misfortune of Being Ned” actually has an 8.7/10 on IMDb. If only he made good shows like that all the time.
Police Officer on Boston Playground Slide
While on-duty, an American police officer in Boston decided to slide down a long metal children’s slide. What could go wrong? Sadly, everything went wrong, for he came careening down and tumbled to the ground. This video took the internet by storm, and the slide has even become a landmark titled “Boston Cop Slide” on Google. As well as this, the officer in question stated he suffered minor injuries and even bandaged himself up at the site of the “crime.” Though his boss, Sergeant Detective John Boyle, says that the incident is not being investigated. All those involved are still serving the community to this day.
Smudge the Cat
Also known as the Table Cat, Smudge won the hearts of millions with his expressive nature. His iconic picture of him disgusted at the salad on his plate has been used thousands of times. Today, he still is posing for the camera on his Instagram: smudge_lord. On this page, you can see that he is actually a happy kitty sometimes, like when he is having a big bowl of spaghetti! Smudge even has his own line of merch that you can purchase. From T-shirts to mugs to even plushies, there’s Smudge paraphernalia for everyone. Smudge also happens to have a brother named Valiant, and the two make just the cutest black and white duo.
Lucas Cruikshank, also known as Fred, was the face of the 2010s. After three wildly successful movies and a TV show, Cruikshank seemed to fall out of the spotlight despite being in many other movies and shows such as Marvin Marvin, iCarly, Monsters vs Aliens and even Annoying Orange (somehow it always leads back to Dane Boedigheimer). Lucas decided to try his hand at YouTube, which he was fairly successful at, now sitting at 3.36 million subscribers. Though, once the Fred character got stale he converted to more adult content which made some controversy seeing as he is the face of a children’s series. One interesting fact that not many people know is that Lucas has a twin brother named Jacob, who also has his own YouTube channel where he reviews restaurants and stores with Lucas.
Despite these memes having died long ago, they’ll always hold a special place in the internet’s hearts.